The Clarifier Blog Has Moved

We have found a new home in the web.
Please visit the Clarifier Project

this blogspot still contains a wonderful archive of clarifier activities
so look around while you are here.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Moving out of the ART HUT - April 30, 2009

New - Temporary - Art - Home

We moved. mostly.

We need a permanent home for art.
If you have a building were we can have workshops, kids classes, slide lectures, kilns, wheels, work tables, kids, adults, life. A Lyons Art Center. A Pottery Center. A school.

Please let us know. We will put it to goooooood use!

GAP Group, Making Tiles, April 23, 2009

On April we met, at last, with the GAP Group, (Generationally Active People) to create some tiles for the Clarifier Project. Scheduling had been tricky and was foiled in March by The Big Snow Storm. Now at last we were able to meet with a group of extraordinary folks who have been meeting together, elders and high school students, and making art projects, organizing field trips and sharing for many years.